To access IQ Committee materials, click on the meeting links below. Meeting material pages include agendas, presentation materials, meeting notes, including attendees. Teleconference information will appear when you click “Add to Calendar.”

If a meeting is listed below that is not hosted by the IQ Committee, the link may include teleconference information, if provided to the Facilitation Team, but will not include the meeting material.


Category Legend:

GREEN: IQ-S Subcommittee Meetings

BLUE: IQ Committee Meetings

RED: Joint EE SAG Equity Subcommittee – IQ Committee Meetings

ORANGE: SAG Reporting Working Group Meetings


Income Qualified Technical Reference Manual Working Group Meeting

Virtual (Microsoft Teams)

This meeting will be held Thursday, April 13 (9:00 am – 11:00 am). Agenda: IQ TRM Working Group Agenda Evaluation Framework Discussion TRM Status New Measures, Open Items This meeting is organized by Marissa Strassel and VEIC. If you have any questions about the meeting or the IQ TRM Working Group, please contact Marissa directly. […]

Joint SAG EE Equity Subcommittee – IQ-S Committee Meeting


This meeting will be held Monday, June 26 (9:30 am – 12:30 pm) jointly with the Illinois Energy Efficiency Stakeholder Advisory Group. The SAG Policy Manual Subcommittee has been working since June 2022 to update the Illinois Energy Efficiency Policy Manual, Version 3.0. The purpose of the June 26th meeting is for the SAG Policy Manual […]

Joint SAG EE Equity Sub-Committee – IQ Committee Meeting


The SAG Equity Subcommittee will meet jointly with the Income Qualified (IQ) South EE Committee on Wednesday, July 12 (9:00 am – 12:00 pm). The purpose of the July 12th meeting is for Illinois utilities to share an update on the progress of their Market Development Initiatives (MDI). Materials will be posted on the July […]

IQ-S Q2 – EE SAG Committee Meeting

Virtual (Microsoft Teams)

This meeting will be held Wednesday, July 12 (3:00 pm – 5:00 pm). Agenda IQ Metrics IQ Data Sources and Tools Utility IQ Program Report-Out –Challenges/Opportunities Teleconference Information Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 259 943 966 049 Passcode: 4wTjFf Or […]

Tuesday, October 10 Reporting Working Group Meeting

Note: This is a SAG Reporting Working Group Meeting. Visit the SAG meeting page for this event here. The Reporting Working Group will meet on Tuesday, October 10 This is the first meeting to discuss reporting metrics, to follow-up on the Policy Manual update process Additional information will be shared with the Working Group in advance […]

Monday, October 30 Reporting Working Group Meeting

Note: This is a SAG Reporting Working Group Meeting. Visit the SAG meeting page for this event here. The Reporting Working Group will meet on Monday, October 30 This is the second meeting to discuss reporting metrics, to follow-up on the Policy Manual update process Additional information will be shared with the Working Group in advance […]

IQ-S Subcommittee: Returning Citizens Meeting #1

Virtual (Microsoft Teams)

The purpose of the IQ-S Returning Citizens Subcommittee Meeting #1 is to provide an overview of the IQ-S Committee, IQ-S Subcommittees, and to review the Subcommittee Work Plan plus existing Background Research. We will also review the SharePoint Site and Project Management Structure. The agenda for the meeting is linked below. Meeting Materials: Returning Citizens […]

IQ-S Subcommittee: AC/High Heat Meeting #1

The purpose of the IQ-S AC/High Heat Subcommittee Meeting #1 is to provide an overview of the IQ-S Committee, IQ-S Subcommittees, and to review the Subcommittee Work Plan plus existing Background Research. We will also review the SharePoint Site and Project Management Structure. The agenda for the meeting is linked below. Meeting Materials: Returning Citizens […]

IQ-S Subcommittee: Integrated Clean Energy Plans Meeting #1

The purpose of the IQ-S Integrated Clean Energy Plans Subcommittee Meeting #1 is to provide an overview of the IQ-S Committee, IQ-S Subcommittees, and to review the Subcommittee Work Plan plus existing Background Research. We will also review the SharePoint Site and Project Management Structure. The agenda for the meeting is linked below. Meeting Materials: […]

IQ-S Subcommittee: Diverse Contractors Meeting #1

The purpose of the IQ-S Increasing Diverse Contractors Meeting #1 is to provide an overview of the IQ-S Committee, IQ-S Subcommittees, and to review the Subcommittee Work Plan plus existing Background Research. We will also review the SharePoint Site and Project Management Structure. The agenda for the meeting is linked below. Meeting Materials: Increasing Diverse […]

Tuesday, November 14 Q4 SAG Meeting (Day 1)

Note: This is a SAG  Meeting. Visit the SAG meeting page for this event here. The fourth quarter SAG meeting will be split into two days: Tuesday, November 14 and Wednesday, November 15 The agenda and presentations will be posted and circulated in advance.

Wednesday, November 15 Q4 SAG Meeting (Day 2)

Note: This is a SAG Meeting. Visit the SAG meeting page for this event here. The fourth quarter SAG meeting will be split into two days: Tuesday, November 14 and Wednesday, November 15 The agenda and presentations will be posted and circulated in advance.